SCG Admin

Being young can be a challenging experience, especially in this modern connected age where your every move can be scrutinised and cyberbullying is rife. In response to this, the ‘Wear it Purple’ campaign seeks to help young people of all backgrounds genders and orientations feel safe, supported and empowered in each of their environments. They believe that every young person is unique, important and worthy of love, that no-one should be subjected to bullying, belittlement or invalidation, and that this should be a world where each and every young person can thrive irrelevant of sex, sexuality or gender identity.

Through education, celebration, empowerment and support, Wear it Purple Day hopes to challenge people’s perceptions to create a more accepting and progressive world. Southern Cross were proud to be a participant in this year’s event and hope to encourage our staff and clients alike to get involved at an event near them so we can help to create a safer, more inclusive world for children throughout Australia. For more information or to volunteer, please visit the website located here:

Wear it purple 1Wear it purple 2



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