Is Technology a Threat or an Advantage to Security Guards?

Technology progresses every single day and with regards to security, the technology changes affect both the attacker and the defender. New devices, newly tailored software and even robots are being utilized to help perform tasks in our daily routines. It’s all about efficiency and quality. Security is no exception when referring to technological change and its benefits to delivering exceptional results. Particle and temperature sensing robots with live CCTV connection, facial recognition and identifying repeat offenders and Drones overseeing crowd density at events are all great examples of effective use of new technology to mitigate security risks. Security guards should be ahead of technological trends to maximize people’s safety and wellbeing.

Should security guards use technology at work or continue doing with current methods? As we are in a constantly changing society, it can be a battle to try and keep up with technological trends. But if we want to be a leader in the industry and remain relevant, we must embrace these technological changes.

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